Discovery Implementation of AEM 6.4 Upgrade(Multilingual 160+ Country Lang Sites)


Client: Discovery Implementation of AEM 6.4 Upgrade(Multilingual 160+ Country Lang Sites)

Our client’s success is paramount, and the client has significantly improved its website. We’ve received numerous positive testimonials and have seen a 3X increase in average time on site, with 5X average visits and 13X article page views per visit. This demonstrates our commitment to making a difference in our clients’ businesses with digital transformation.

We have helped KPMG build a brand with a consistent global marketing platform. We also developed a multi-tiered content strategy and process solution that defined responsibilities and owner content permission and empowered easy and rapid publishing across multiple global regions.

  • 191 sites, 136 countries, and 38 locales
  • 220,000 assets, 1.5 million renditions
  • 1450 authors, 600 published pages daily, and more than 850,000 total pages.
  • 25 million unique visitors, 80 million unique page views
  • 420 taxonomy terms and 180 components across 60 unique templates.

Timelines: Jun 2018 – Feb 2019

Project description:

Discovery: Identifying the core areas the major functionalities effects as part of migration.

Implementation : API changes & 270+ component migration including content structural changes

See project

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